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Red Belt 2nd Kup
Practical Linework
Combinations in line from Patterns
Patterns - of grading examiners choice
Pattern – Hwa-Rang
3 Step Sparring
2 Step Sparring
1 Step Sparring
Free Sparring
One Step Sparring (ILBO MATSOKI)
One step sparring is the most realistic form of sparring there is, simply because the defender cannot foresee the attack coming. Therefore, the defender must have very fast reflexes, in order to defend and defeat the opponent. This form of sparring is completely different to free sparring, i.e. take down techniques, arm locks, joint breaking techniques etc. are practised. Both students normally begin in parallel stance, but this may be varied at the instructors' discretion.
Both attacker and defender start in parallel ready position, attacker step forward with right leg into walking stance and punches with right hand. On the second occasion, the same attacker steps forward, but with left leg and left hand punching.
Red belts are expected to develop their own techniques on one step sparring using the following guidelines.
These are not in any set order.
1. Hand only.
2. Foot only.
3. Hand and foot.
4. Foot and hand.
5. Jumping.
Meaning Of Red Belt
Red signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away.
Number of Movements: 29
Meaning of Hwa-Rang:
HWA-RANG is named after the Hwa-Rang youth group, which originated in the Silla Dynasty about 600 AD. This group eventually became the actual driving force for the unification of the three Kingdoms of Korea. The 29 movements refer to the 29th Infantry Division, where Tae kwon-Do developed into maturity.
Starting Position: Closed ready stance C
Move the left foot to B to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a middle pushing block to D with the left palm
Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D
Execute a twin forearm block while forming a left L-stance toward A, pivoting with the let foot
Execute an upward punch with the left fist while pulling the right side fist in front of the left shoulder, maintaining a left L-stance toward A
Execute a middle punch to A with the right fist while forming a right fixed stance toward A in a sliding motion
Execute a downward strike with the right knife-hand while forming a left vertical stance toward A, pulling the right foot
Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a middle punch to A with the left fist
Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a low block to D with the left forearm
Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist
Pull the left foot toward the right foot while bringing the left palm to the right forefist, at the same time bending the right elbow about 45 degrees outward
Execute a middle side piercing kick to D with the right foot while pulling both hands in the opposite direction and then lower it to D forming a left L-stance toward D, at the same time executing a middle outward strike to D with the right knife-hand
Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the left fist
Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D at the same time executing a middle punch to D with the right fist
Move the left foot to E turning counter clockwise to form a right L-stance toward E while executing a middle guarding block to E with a knife-hand
Move the right foot to E forming a right walking stance toward E while executing a middle thrust to E with the right straight finger tip
Move the right foot on line EF forming a right L-stance toward F while executing a middle guarding block to F with a knife-hand
Execute a high turning kick to DF with the right foot and then lower it to F
Execute a high turning kick to CF with the left foot and then lower it to F forming a right L-stance toward F while executing a middle guarding block to F with a knife-hand. Perform 18 and 19 in a fast motion
Move the left foot to C forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a low block to C with the left forearm
Execute a middle punch to C with the right fist while forming a right L-stance toward C, pulling the left foot
Move the right foot to C forming a left L-stance toward C while executing a middle punch to C with the left fist
Move the left foot to C forming a right L-stance toward C while executing a middle punch to C with the right fist
Execute a pressing block with an X-fist while forming a left walking stance toward C, slipping the left foot to C
Move the right foot to C in a sliding motion forming a right L-stance toward D while thrusting to C with the right side elbow
Bring the left foot to the right foot, turning counter clockwise to form a closed stance toward B while executing a side front block with the right inner forearm while extending the left forearm to the side downward
Execute a side front block with the left inner forearm, extending the right forearm to the side downward while maintaining a closed stance toward B
Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B at the same time executing a middle guarding block to B with a knife-hand
Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to A forming a left L-stance toward A while executing a middle guarding block to A with a knife-hand
END: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.
Korean Terms
Closed Ready Stance ‘C’ - Moa chunbi Sogi ‘C’
Flying high kick - Twimyo nopi chagi
Inside - An
Instep - Baldung
Outside - Bakat
Pushing Block - Miro Makgi
Reverse footsword - Baldal dung
Sweeping block - Hullyo makgi
Twin foot kick - Sang bal chagi
Twisting kick - Bituro chagi
Upward Punch - Ollyo Jirugi
Vertical kick - Sewo chagi